Hives is a common skin allergy that affects at least 20% of all people at some point in their lives. It’s also called urticaria, and its main symptoms are raised itchy red bumps on the skin. Hives has many triggers varying from food to medications and certain plants, which is exactly why it’s so common.
However, just because it happens frequently doesn’t mean it should be left unaddressed. The symptoms aren’t too severe most of the time, which means it can still be managed by taking an antihistamine. But in severe cases, hives can cause swelling in the throat and restrict a person’s ability to breathe, which will require emergent care.
If you’re aware of what can trigger your hives, it becomes much easier to avoid the culprit. But it’s a different matter altogether if you’re not aware of what’s causing your hives to flare up because you wouldn’t be able to avoid it. So, if you need help with identifying potential causes, here are five of the most common hives triggers:
1. Food

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Most people live their entire lives being able to eat whatever they want, but not everyone is as fortunate. This is because food allergies are widespread around the world, and they affect people of all ages. The usual culprits include eggs, nuts, wheat, fish, soy, peanuts, and shellfish, to name a few.
But hives aren’t the only symptoms of food allergies. It can also appear along with vomiting, diarrhea, angioedema or swelling, and, in severe cases, anaphylaxis. So if you suspect that this is what’s causing your hives to flare up, don’t hesitate to get private food allergy testing with a credible allergist to receive the right treatment.
2. Latex
Natural rubber latex is a material that’s often used in medical supplies such as disposable gloves, syringes, stethoscopes, dressings, and bandages. But it’s also present in many consumer products such as condoms, balloons, tires, rubber toys, baby bottles, and pacifiers. That’s why being allergic to latex can be frightening because it’s present in many products you can encounter every day.
People who have had multiple surgeries or are often exposed to the latex protein are at a higher risk of developing an allergy to it. That’s why if you suspect that you’re allergic to latex, you should immediately get a blood test to diagnose it. This way, you can avoid coming into contact with the material moving forwards.
3. Medication

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Ibuprofen, aspirin, antibiotics, and other kinds of medication can cause an allergic reaction in anyone. This happens when the person’s immune system reacts abnormally to the drug they took, and it can cause hives, rashes, fever, or in severe cases, anaphylaxis too. If you’re showing allergic reactions to the medications that you’re taking, you should stop taking them immediately.
It’s also possible to develop an allergic reaction to the dyes used in imaging tests or the local anesthetics, especially if you’re undergoing a minimally invasive procedure. So if you want to avoid potential complications due to drug allergies, consider having yourself tested as soon as possible.
4. Pollen

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Tree, grass, and weed pollen are essential to the natural flow of the ecosystem, but they can be a pain for those who suffer from allergic reactions every time they are exposed to pollen. This fine yellowish powder that fertilizes plants can be the main culprit for those with asthma and allergic rhinitis.
Aside from the hives, people who are allergic to pollen can also show signs of nasal congestion, runny nose, wheezing, itchy throat and eyes, or uncontrollable sneezing. That’s why if you know that you’re allergic to pollen, you should take note of the pollen counts before you head out for the day so that you can prepare appropriately.
5. Pets
Many people are turning to pet ownership as an alternative to or as preparation for parenthood, but not everyone has the privilege to do so. This is because some people show mild to severe allergic reactions to pet hair, dander, and other allergens, which hinders them from being pet owners.

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Sneezing, runny nose, coughing, or itchy eyes are the other symptoms that people with pet allergies can experience apart from getting hives. While most symptoms can be solved by antihistamines and nasal sprays, allergy shots or immunotherapy is recommended to those who want to build a tolerance against the pet allergens.
Most instances of hives disappear just as quickly as they appeared, but there can be cases when the symptoms last longer than normal. In such situations, it might be better to consult a specialist than simply take antihistamines because your hives may be a symptom of a more serious underlying issue. After all, it’s better to be safe than sorry.
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