The Components and Importance of the Endocannabinoid System in Dogs

Among mammals there are many similarities and the endocannabinoid system is one of them. It is responsible for many things in the body. Activities and states such as sleep, pleasure, pain, mood, are all tied to its effective working.

Since Dogs are mammals, they also have the endocannabinoid system. You can check out this interesting article for more on the endocannabinoid system and mammals.

Here, we are going to explain the presence of this system in canines and the massive importance it has on their overall health and wellbeing.

The Endocannabinoid System – What Is It About?

For short, this system is also called “ESC”. To understand better, let us break the word into bits. The biological term consists of 2 words: “endo” and “cannabinoid”.

“Endo” implies that the activities take place internally. Although it may be influenced by external factors, the activities are conducted inside the body. On the other end, “cannabinoid” is used to refer to chemical compounds that can trigger specific actions inside the body.

Some of these chemical compounds can be gotten naturally from the cannabis plant. This is because the plant has many cannabinoids, 2 of which are popular: CBD and THC.

These natural cannabinoids have medicinal effects on the body and this is what has made them popular. One of the most popular effects is THC’s psychoactive properties. This refers to the effect of this compound on humans which we refer to as being “high”.

While on the subject of psychoactive properties, can your dog get high?

Your dog can get high and this is because it has the endocannabinoid system. Some receptors receive and process THC, allowing it to cause changes in the canine’s system.

To avoid this, you should keep any unregulated cannabis product away from your dog. There are tons of healthy CBD products that are safe for your furry pal. Other than the safety, they also have medicinal value, helping your dog overcome a wide range of physical and psychological health problems.

Note however that some cannabis productcontain THC. If you have to make use of any of such, ensure that the THC content is not more than 0.3 percent. If the THC content does not exceed this, it is alright for your dog.

What Makes Up the Dog’s Endocannabinoid System?

Three major parts make up the ECS. They are the endocannabinoid receptors, endocannabinoid, and enzymes. These three parts all play crucial roles in the working of this system. Let us go over them one after the other.

The Endocannabinoid Receptors

These receptors are cells that can be found in most parts of the body. There are two kinds of these receptors: The CB1 and the CB2 cells.

The CB1 is found mainly in the brain and the spinal cord. On the other hand, CB2 is a major player in the immune system of the dog. This is a system that helps fight hostile parasites, preventing them from taking hold of the canine’s body.

Both the CB1 and CB2 receptors are vital in ensuring that the internal cannabinoids are fully functional.

Internal Endocannabinoid

As with humans, cats, birds, and many other kinds of mammals, the canine’s body can produce cannabinoids internally. These tiny bits of internally produced chemical substance helps the receptors work effectively.


On its own, the internally produced cannabinoids cannot work effectively. They need to be broken down and that is where enzymes are involved. Enzymes are important in breaking down internally produced cannabinoids, making it an important part of the ESC.

For more on how ESC works, you can visit this link:

What Does the Endocannabinoid System Do in Dogs?

This system helps to keep the dog’s body in the right shape. It ensures that there is balance, enabling the canine to live a healthy and happy life. Other than helping the dog stay away from or overcome ailments, the ESC can influence the canine’s mood positively.

Advantages of Having a Proper Working Endocannabinoid System in Dogs?

Studies into the role and effect of ESC is still new in many circles. However, research and a handful of practical observations have proven how a well functional endocannabinoid system can positively affect the body. For canines, the benefits include the following:

  • Active memory and intelligence
  • Appropriate body temperature
  • Good appetite
  • Fully Functional Immune System
  • No Difficulty Sleeping
  • Ability to Deal with Pain Well
  • Motor Control
  • Good Mood
  • No Complications when Digesting Meals
  • Ability to Carry Out Reproductive Functions

Generally, the ECS ensures that the dog’s body and psychological state is intact. As a canine parent, you should pay attention to helping your dog by boosting its ESC. This may require the introduction of natural cannabinoids from an external source at some point.

What Happens When There Is Endocannabinoid Deficiency in Dogs?

As stated earlier, the ESC is actively responsible for ensuring balance in the dog’s body. When there is endocannabinoid deficiency, this affects the health and psychological state of the dog. A number of problems that can arise when the ECS is not in a good state includes the following.

  • Bad Body Reaction to Changes in Temperature
  • No Desire to Eat
  • Vomiting, Constipation, Diarrhea, and Other Signs of Indigestion
  • Aggression and Other Anxiety Problems
  • Withdrawal and a General Bad Mood
  • Pain

As seen above, there are tons of health and psychological problems that can be caused by ESC related problems. This may be the result of a complication or deficiency of it. For more on the subject of endocannabinoid deficiency, you can click here.

Using CBD and Safe Hemp Products to Help ESC

When a CBD product with good bioavailability is used, it enables the body to produce more endocannabinoids. As a result, the vital receptors can send signals to the brain, ensuring that the needed change happens. This can happen pretty quickly depending on the drug and technique used to ingest the drug.

These external cannabidiol products enable the natural enzymes to break down the endocannabinoids unusually. The intent is to allow the chemical compounds to act for a longer period. 

Without it, some of these beneficial molecules break up very quickly and are utilized fast. However, CBD drugs extend the effects of these compounds.

There are several ways these drugs can be administered on dogs. One of the most effective is the water-soluble CBD oil option. Other than this option, it can be used in the form of oils, powder, treats and more.


In this article, we have explained the importance of a perfectly working endocannabinoid systemand the major parts that make up this system. We also looked at the ability of CBD drugs to boost your dog’s ESC.

Although still tagged an experimental drug, customers keep testifying of the enormous benefits these drugs guarantees. Therefore, to ensure that your dog is in the right frame of mind and health, you should consider using CBD drugs.

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