Make Your Career In Big Data By Choosing Right Big Data Certifications

As big data industry gains momentum amongst the job seekers and recruiters, there are numerous openings you can avail of in the market. However, you need to have proper courses and certifications in place if you are planning to enter big data’s bigger careers.

Big Data And Big Data Career

By now you all know that big data certifications are important if you are planning a big data career. Certifications are a third party validation of your skills and qualifications. But just certifications are not enough and you need to have upgraded skills and qualifications as well to become a data scientist.

Data Science as a field has come a long way, since it first came into being. Usually, the companies are wary of hiring data scientists outside, as there is lots of confidential data that has to be handled with caution. Hence the company management prefer to have candidates who are well-versed not only with the latest practices and tools but also have certifications validating their skills.

Big Data Certifications And Best Data Science Certifications

But before we go onto certifications, it is important to know what are basic skills and qualifications you would need to become a successful data scientist. So before we learn about certifications required for data scientist and what all certifications are good for you, let’s understand what armory of skills are required.

  1. As a big data professional and not just as a data scientist you should be able to write code that would help you in collecting and cleaning the data.
  2. You should be able to run statistical analysis to understand whether the data can be used to solve the problem at hand.
  3. You should also be able to build predictive analysis models with the help of the data you have at hand.
  4. Last but not the least you should be able to visualize your findings in an attractive and effective way.

Other than these skills you need to have a Master’s degree in Mathematics and Statistics followed by a degree in computer science and engineering. You also need to be proficient in either of these tools like SAS or R. Other skills that you need to be proficient at include python coding, Hadoop platform, SQL database and coding the unstructured data.

Once you have mastered this, then you need to go for certifications. Big data certifications and data science certifications from reputed institutes would add value to your resume. In addition, as a certified data scientist you would have more leverage as compared to your peers.

So here are some of the Big Data Certification institutes that you may consider. Remember that each of them are unique in terms of the courses offered, certifications and highly recognized in the industry.

  1. Hortonworks: Hortonworks is one of the best institutes if you are seeking big data certifications. Right from certifications in Apache Hadoop to Apache Spark, Hortonworks offers certifications for both entry and the senior levels for the big data professionals. Hortonworks offers certifications for both entry and the senior levels for the big data professionals. Based on your skills – take your pick.
  2. Cloudera: Cloudera Certifications offers certifications in data analytics both at a senior levels and at a beginner levels. Cloudera certifications include certification for data analyst and spark & Hadoop developer.
  3. DASCA: DASCA or Data Science Council of America offers two major big data science certifications like SDS and PDS. The certifications have some prerequisite criteria to be fulfilled.
  4. SAS Certifications: SAS Global Certification Program has different certifications in the Big Data field. Based on what you want to pursue, there are certifications that you can choose from and go for the one that you feel is better suited.


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