Ivy-League Education vs. Public School Education

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What is a better choice for your education – Ivy-League or Public School Education? This is the question that has been discussed for a long time now by many so many people in educational community.

So, let’s look at the pros and cons of both ways to figure out what works better for each one personally. Ivy League education is definitely a right choice. At least, they want us to believe so.

The first thing that pops up in your head when thinking about schools like this is their prestige level. Eight universities of this league are considered to be the best ones of all times. These universities are Brown University, Columbia University, Cornell University, Dartmouth College, Harvard University, the University of Pennsylvania, Princeton University, and Yale University. You hear these big names, and you see tall old buildings that only accept best of the best to study in their walls.

It is true that Ivy League is known for being hard to get in. The rates of acceptance are surprisingly low. The overall Ivy League acceptance is now as low as 6.77%. The highest rate is for Cornell University with its 12.32%, while the lowest one is that of Harvard with its 3.4%. The rest of the universities have their rates as follows:

  • Brown University – 7.66%
  • Columbia University – 4.8%
  • Dartmouth College – 8.97%
  • The University of Pennsylvania – 7.02%
  • Princeton University – 4.42%
  • Yale University – 4.39%

Meanwhile, the regular Universities have their acceptance rates up to 30% depending on the state and type of educational institution. With such a competition one would expect higher educational standards to be offered. And it might be probably so. However, some students mentioned that even though these schools give each of them more time and provide more technologically advanced techniques, they remain impersonal and immense. Such atmosphere does not stimulate better academic performance.

Another thing to take into consideration is that Ivy League schools spend more funds during the educational process of each student than regular colleges. Statistics shows that eight prestigious schools spend up to a hundred thousand dollars on every student while regular schools only spend a little bit more than ten thousand dollars. This results in a better quality of the equipment they provide their students with. Keep this in mind when choosing between the schools.

When people talk about Ivy League schools and Public Schools education, they also think about a significant difference in the tuition fee in each of them. The tuition fee for Ivy League colleges for 2017 academic year was estimated to be as follows:

  • Brown University – $51,400
  • Columbia University – $55,100
  • Dartmouth College – $51,000
  • University of Pennsylvania – $51,500
  • Princeton University – $45,500
  • Yale University – $49,500
  • Cornell University – $51,000
  • Harvard University – $46,700

These fees are extremely high, considering their growth throughout the four-year education period, boarding costs, etc. Of course, there are many scholarships available, but even if you get them, the prices are still very high. Meanwhile, students that choose public school education might study for as much as $9,500 a year, especially if they opt for in-state universities. This way they will be able to cover four years of college with the amount the Ivy League graduates will spend on one year at college.

Some people state that going to a prestige school pays when you graduate and start looking for a job. Hirers are more likely to offer you a position once they see that you have obtained a degree in a prestigious school like the one from Ivy League.
However, not all agree that this is true. Some employers state that a high rank of educational institution does not necessarily mean that you have the profound knowledge of the subject. People that used to study at public schools can be as professional as those from the Ivy League. Therefore, maybe going to the Ivy League college is not your best idea, as you will spend a fortune, get into serious debts and will not make this money back. Just do some easy maths: you will spend around $170,000 on your Bachelor’s degree and will be offered a regular office job. It will take your years to get out of the student loan liabilities and finally start making money to afford things in real-time.

And lastly, it is common to believe that Ivy League is without any doubts the best schools. However, it depends on what you think qualifies for this title. In the beginning, these colleges had the best football teams ever. Unfortunately, today the situation is different. Their teams do not get even to the top-10.

On the other hand, people claim that most of the graduates of these colleges make it to the top of career ladders. However, as you know, the most famous CEOs including Bill Gates, Paul Gardner Alen, and Michael Dell did not even finish their education. They were either dropped out or never got to enter the college. I do not mean to discourage you from studying at all. All I am saying is that your career path depends exclusively on your determination and entrepreneurial talent. Education of better quality is a great bonus and can be helpful, but it cannot guarantee brilliant career without other essential qualities and gifts.

Moreover, if you want to define what the best school is you can also check out how many of the graduates become successful in their career pursuit. The truth is that they get the same level jobs as excellent students from public state universities. Therefore, there is no need to pay several times as much for education that cannot be your ticket to success.

Statistics shows that students that were determined to take the most of their study process at whatever high school they attended are likely to become a real success at whatever college they opt for. And also, when choosing a university to make sure that you feel comfortable there. Come visit it on the open school day to see how you feel about studying there – whether it is one of the Ivy League School or an instate college. Keep in mind that your education will cost you less if you choose a university within your state of residence. So, if there is such an option, check it out.

Meanwhile, choosing a university of your dream is a big deal. Take time and do not rush into anything without thinking everything through. There are a lot of examples of students that decided to leave the Ivies and enter a regular college instead despite all the prestige given the reasons we mentioned above. However, there are also those who enjoyed every minute of their experience with the Ivies and would never opt for anything different from it. So, the decision is all yours, and this is a piece of information we thought you might find useful and essential when considering the place you will call your “alma mater” in a while. Be wise and choose the ones you feel comfortable about.

My bio:

Shayan Carlson is freelance blogger and marketing enthusiast loves to write about education, lifestyle and travel the world. He’s currently writing for this blog https://thewritingkid.com/category/blog/

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