Money is one of the hardest things to balance because you have needs and wants. Most of the time, the wants overpower the needs because of the pressure to have everything new. This will lead to more problems because you can’t pay for rent, utilities, and groceries anymore. That’s why you have to be smart in managing your money to avoid this dilemma. Here are foolproof ways on how to control and protect your money:
Establish Financial Goals
Financial goals provide a sense of alignment or direction when it comes to handling money. If you don’t have one, then you’ll probably spend more than you should. You have to set short-term and long-term goals to ensure that your money is set aside for something meaningful. You can buy a car in a year, buy a house, save up for retirement if you establish goals as early as now. List down your goals on a piece of paper and stick to them.
Minimize Your Expenses
Expenses are classified into two groups: recurring and non-recurring. Recurring expenses are your rent, utilities, rent, gas-expenses that you regularly spend money on. On the other hand, non-recurring expenses consist of your shopping, movies, and eating at restaurants. Once you’ve listed down your expenses, it’s easier to see what you need to cut down on. You’ll see how much money you’ll save once you do this.
Get Insurance
Life is unpredictable-an illness or disease might attack you out of nowhere, and your hospital bills will slowly bleed your savings dry. These are the same savings that you are saving for retirement or big-time purchases. You are now hopeless because your life’s savings are licked clean. A way to avoid this predicament is by purchasing life insurance so that you won’t have to worry about life-threatening diseases licking your savings clean. You have to pay a monthly amount for your insurance.
Set Up a Monthly Budget
Set up a reasonable monthly budget that you can stick to. Your monthly budget should cover recurring and non-recurring expenses, and you should not go beyond this budget. You can prevent spending more than necessary if you set up a monthly budget. Plus, you can achieve your financial goals easier if you establish a monthly budget. You can keep track of your expenses by listing them down.

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You can use a budget plan or worksheet to ensure that you are on the right track. Place your budget plan where you can always see it so you won’t forget. It’s going to be challenging to remember your budget if your plan is hidden.
Get a Savings Account
Your savings are your safety net when times get tough. For every monthly salary you receive, a portion of it should go to your savings account. Times are unpredictable, and when you are struggling financially, you can get them from your savings account. Your savings account should not be touched whenever you want-it should only be during emergencies. Update your savings account monthly.
Avoid Debt
As much as you can, always avoid debt because it’s hard to stop once you start acquiring debt. It will be an unending dilemma because your monthly salary will be deducted, and it’s difficult to save if a portion of it goes to paying your debt. Some debts stem from buying things that you cannot afford in the first place. So buy things only that you can afford to avoid debt.
Purchasing costly items that you don’t need comes from the influence of your friends. You don’t have to do what everyone is doing because they have different priorities and you have yours. You have to keep in mind whether it’s worth it or not.
Money gives us the power to purchase things that are within reach. Food, clothes, car-everything we desire is within reach as long as we have the funds for it. This can be a problem if you don’t set aside some for a rainy day. Always think about your future and the possible events that could happen. Anticipating what would happen can always get you prepared for what’s to come.
Money can save us in difficult situations as long as we know how to save in times of abundance. It’s difficult to earn money. That’s why we have to take the necessary means to set aside for times of need. Financial literacy can be learned, and we can start by being responsible for what little we have now. It won’t be easy, but self-discipline and restraint is the key to achieving your financial goals.
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