Exploring Timely Business Opportunities amid the Outbreak


If you own or manage a business, this is most likely one of the most difficult challenges you’ve ever faced. But although there is a lot of uncertainty surrounding the economy right now because of the unprecedented spread of covid-19, there are still some opportunities you can explore in order to make the most of this unfortunate situation. These measures will help you survive, thrive, and even adapt to the future business landscape.


Online sales have been on the rise in the last couple of years. Because of the current situation, ecommerce is quickly becoming more popular. According to Statista, online sales in Australia rose by 18% during the outbreak.
Enterprises who already have adopted ecommerce before the quarantine (especially those who are selling necessities), are feeling the benefits of this jump. But it’s not too late. You can still get a piece of this pie by shifting to online sales.

You can incorporate transactional features on your website. Admittedly, this is more complicated than it sounds but a relatively simple task for web developers. Work with professionals if you can. Or you can always list your wares on big sites like Amazon. This will help you get started in ecommerce and start making sales again.

Online Presence

Speaking of web development, now is the perfect time to level up your online presence. If you don’t have a website, there are several services out there that can help you build your own in a matter of minutes. Companies like Squarespace or Wix have user-friendly interfaces that let you design your pages. However, these sites can be limiting and difficult, particularly if you’re less tech-savvy.

You can also hire professionals to build you your website. There are a lot of experts out there that would be glad to take on work right now.

But online presence is more than just having a website, even a beautiful one at that. You’ll also need SEO consultancy services to make sure people are seeing your online storefront. Search engine optimisation can make your website more Google-friendly so you’ll appear on top of searches. Hire a local SEO company that knows industry best practices.

Social media is another frontier you should be taking advantage of. This is the perfect time to get more exposure on Facebook and other platforms. According to ABC, NBN has seen a 70 to 80 per cent increase in overall internet use in the country. A clever and timely social media marketing campaign can introduce your products to new markets.


One of the best things to do during a crisis is to band together. This is true for businesses too. Find other businesses that can complement what you’re already offering and suggest a mutually beneficial partnership. For example, if you’re selling food, pair up with a business that sells beverages and include their products in your offerings or vice versa. This will help both your sales numbers rise and make it easier for your customers to access more products. Partnerships can add much-needed value to your proposition, while helping another business survive.

Taking advantage of the opportunities suggested here will most likely prepare your business for a new kind of economy that will emerge from this crisis.

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