Feeling exhausted once in a while is normal. After all, people don’t have unlimited energy. If you feel tired too often and it’s negatively affecting your life, you’ll need to undergo a lifestyle change.
Fatigue can be due to many factors, including but not limited to stress, too much exercise, grief, obesity or even medications. There may be times when you might not be able to pinpoint the exact reason you’re feeling tired. If this happens to be the case, you’ll want to consult with your primary care physician for medical advice and evaluation.
Lack of energy will eventually get in the way of your daily activities and affect the quality of your everyday life. If you notice that you’re feeling low in energy and that it’s affecting your productivity, this guide is for you.

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Here are some suggestions to help you combat fatigue that can cripple your productivity at work:
Stay Healthy
The first thing you want to focus on is to do your best to stay as healthy as you can. This goes beyond not smoking and avoiding vices.
If you have any underlying medical condition that makes you tired, check with your doctor for proper medical advice. Certain health conditions, such as kidney disease, liver disease, hyperthyroidism anemia, and diabetes, can cause fatigue. You’ll want to undergo a physical exam to determine the root cause of your frequent or constant fatigue.
Work Out Regularly
A study conducted by the University of Georgia revealed that low-intensity exercise can cut down symptoms of fatigue by 65 percent. Your body releases endorphins, a chemical that enhances your mood, whenever you do any kind of physical activity. This includes low-intensity workouts. Make it a habit to take a 10-minute walk during lunchtime to relieve stress.
On top of regular walks, aim for at least three hours of exercise every week. Come up with a good schedule, and then stick to it. There are also many online resources, such as e-books or YouTube videos, which you can look into if you’re looking to pick up on new exercise routines.
Get a Good Night’s Rest
Sleep is necessary, as this provides you with enough energy to work through the day. When talking about proper rest, however, you need to go beyond getting a full seven hours of sleep a day. You also have to take into account the quality of sleep you’re getting.
Enjoy quality sleep by developing a soothing pre-sleep routine and sticking to it. You can, for instance, take a warm bath or meditate to relax your mind and body. Developing a pre-bedtime habit will also help condition your mind for sleep.
You can also upgrade your sleeping area and make it more conducive to sleep. Having the right bed, sheets and temperature are just some factors that will help you sleep better.
If you’re experiencing night sweats, you’ll want to get a bed fan to stay comfortable throughout the night. Make the proper adjustments because these minor details will contribute a lot to a good night’s sleep.
Follow a Healthy and Balanced Diet
A balanced diet helps beat fatigue. If your daily diet consists of too many refined carbohydrates or fast food, then it’s time to change your eating habits. Although carbs are an important source of energy, fueling your body with processed foods can leave you fatigued.
The right food will help boost your energy.
Take note, however, that “energy boost” does not necessarily mean drowning yourself in energy drinks or beverages that are loaded with caffeine. Your body will function properly when it’s getting the right nutrients from foods, such as whole grains, fish and fresh fruits and veggies.
Stay Hydrated
Dehydration leads to depletion of energy and impairment of physical performance. It can also affect brain function, as water is required to keep the brain, spinal cord and tissues functioning normally.
What’s more, dehydration can affect your cognitive abilities. You, therefore, should remember to drink water to stay focused and make sure that your body functions properly. Set drinking reminders to make sure that you don’t forget to hydrate.
Bottom Line: Make Your Health a Priority
Your health is important. You won’t be able to do the things that you need to do or help anyone else if you are unable to stay physically and mentally healthy.
Make the necessary lifestyle changes to increase your energy and productivity. Get rid of fatigue by following the suggestions provided. Begin with the easiest one for you. You could also consult a medical professional if you need assistance in changing your lifestyle or addressing any health problem that’s causing your fatigue.
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