Protect Your Home from Inside and Out With Security Cameras

Security Cameras

We live in times in which a lock is not enough to stop burglars from getting in. Those carefree times when people were leaving their doors wide open and no one was stealing are over. Now, thieves are going to find a way to break in and steal your possession.

Luckily, the odds are evened when we’re trying to protect ourselves. Modern technology managed to come up with inventions that are going to keep thieves away from our property, and even if they do, you can react quickly or the police will easily trace them after they are caught on the camera.

What happens when the threat comes from the inside, though? All CCTV cameras are pointed toward out and try to catch people getting inside uninvited. What happens if they are already inside and we’re not sure who’s doing the stealing? See how CCTV works here.

Big estates or companies have all kinds of employees inside. No one can predict who’s doing something wrong and possibly steals from you. This is why you need top-notch security cameras that are going to monitor activity both inside and outside.

Modern systems provide full-house coverage

If you want to be fully protected, you should call some of the many companies providing this type of work to install a system of CCTV cameras that are all going to be connected. If you don’t want some of the cameras shown in the circuit, you can easily extract them from the circle.

The mini hidden cameras can be connected through the internet, directly to your smartphone. You can be the only person that has access to it. This way, no one else working on the property can know that you’re being monitoring anyone.

This is crucial for those who are suspecting someone stealing. If you connect this mini camera to the complete circuit, employees will talk to each other and reveal that you’re monitoring them, so they won’t do what they are doing in front of the cameras.

What you should do is find a company that will install these hidden cameras at places where no one can find them. If no one sees them, it means that they are not going to change their behavior than normal. They will continue stealing and you’ll easily catch them.

Make sure you have hidden cameras that broadcast online

To do the job properly, you should get those cameras that are connected to the internet. They will record what’s happening in front of them and broadcast live to your smartphone, laptop, or desktop computer. You’ll be able to see what people are doing in real-time. See how this works here:

Let’s say that your office is two doors down the place where suspected illegal activity is happening. You can literally see when there’s someone at the place of observance and catch them openhanded. You’ll find out who’s doing the criminal and you’ll easily solve the problem by showing them that they are being monitored as they do the criminal act.

If you have this CCTV camera in the circuit, the thief will surely know that they are being filmed and you have proof of it. However, as an owner of the stolen goods, you don’t want to have someone placed in prison, but you want them to stop stealing from you.

Having hidden cameras at strategic places means having the chance to see who’s doing the wrong. Show them what you have recorded and ask them to return what they’ve stolen previously. If they don’t want to, hand them over to the police. Don’t take things into your matter, because that way, you might be prosecuted as well.

Smart Home is a smart solution

Do you know what smart homes are? It’s a relatively new concept that makes the appliances being connected to the internet. It is called IoT, or the Internet of Things. It stands for having a system of appliances in the home that are all tied together to protect the home. This is also known as home automation.

From a single point of control, the person holding the smartphone with an app set up to control the home, everything can be turned on or off. That means instant access to what the cameras around the home record. If you have hidden cameras, you can easily monitor what’s happening there.

The best thing is that these cameras can be set to serve the smart home and autonomously transfer information when needed. If you’re at work, you can’t constantly have your phone broadcasting the video from the cameras. Instead, the smart home will push notifications if something is happening.

The system is programmed to alert the owner and the authorities if there’s an inconvenience inside the house. For example, floods, fires, robbery, injury of people living inside, all of this can be a reason for instant alert. That way the owner can react fast no matter where they are at the moment.


If you want to be protected, it’s best to have these things in consideration. Why waiting for the worst to happen before reacting. Equip your property with cameras, and if that doesn’t help, then go for small hidden ones that will do the right job. Always monitor what’s happening and be sure that this is the only way to catch those bad guys who are rumbling the place from the inside.

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